Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 15 redux

August 15

The minister is speaking
and all gathered are
on his words of comfort.

I, on the other hand,
am more concerned with
the insects-
grasshoppers, crickets, bees,
and others-
all singing of life.

It seems to me
they are singing a song
praising the one we all
are gathered to honor,
even as we mourn
her passing.

I hear the pastor's words
and I understand them,
even agree with them
but that's my issue,
not his)
I appreciate his efforts.

I thank him, after the
is complete.

Everyone is gone.
I give my thanks
to the insects,
for their role
in this ritual.

Ashes will be spread
on the shore tonight
at sunset.
I will listen then, as well
for nature's song.

Goodbye, my darling.

© Ivar G. Anderson 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th

Today is both a sad day and a day of celebration.  I am at Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, to conduct my wife's memorial service and the interment of her cremains at a gravesite adjacent to her mother's burial place.  Lots of in-laws from this area will be in attendance, together with my delightful sister-in-law Joy, my father-in-law Wes and his wife, Dottie.  My two sons are here, Stephen and Brian, and Stephen's g/f Katy tagged along for the adventure.  Nothing fancy planned, just a few words from a local pastor, and then a chance for anyone that would like to express their thoughts about LeeAnn.
Following that, a picnic-style luncheon is planned at LeeAnn's cousin Karen's cabin, where we all can gather and reminisce about the departed.  I brought along the photoboards Dottie made up for the earlier memorial we held in May back in Michigan, and maybe I will post some photos from the day on Flicker-if so, expect a later update to this post with a link.  Or I could just embed them, I suppose.
Later tonight, I plan on scattering some of my wife's ashes here at the lake.  She so loved it here, it only seems appropriate.
Time to prepare.  More later(?)...
It's later, here's the Flicker link to the set of photos I uploaded this evening.  All the way through scattering the ashes at sundown today.